Seal the Deal – The Power of Perks

What is life without a few perks? And when it comes to employees perks; more is never enough. Yet that doesn’t imply that little things aren’t appreciated. Even the smallest of things can make a big difference. And we embrace this fact along with another key point that: people are social. They talk. They discuss. And so when they come across a deal or find out about one – they get a buzz and create a buzz about it too! That, our dear friends, was a germ of an idea for ArcGate to come up with deals providing special offers and discounts to its employees.

Over the years, we have seen companies lead with their creative and unique perks to not only keep their employees happy but also to set themselves apart from other companies. Perks not only reflects well on the employer, but is also proven to be a great way to keep employees motivated. It shows how much an employer cares about its employees. Large companies today can avail a lot of discounts simply because of the size of their pool – with hundreds of employees as a targeted customer, brands are willing to go out their ways to cash in on this targeted audience by extending huge discounts and offers. However, these companies necessarily are not able to extend it to their employees for simple reasons- not being able to communicate it to all its employees in the same breath or simply not having the time to have a system in place.

But wait. This isn’t to say that employers are not looking for innovative ways to offer unique perks — which their employees will love!  Keeping that in mind, we leveraged our very own internal social network tool:, and came up with the idea of amalgamating the social and the reward aspect of deals. Now who wouldn’t agree that even the sound of the word “deal” triggers the reward centers in our brains?

It is said employees of a company place a high value on personalized benefits. Hence, at ArcGate we decided to offer our employees deals especially curated and crafted for them. The social component at not only brings the employees of ArcGate together; it also fosters camaraderie and fun when employees across several departments talk and discuss “deals.”

When we ventured out with this idea – we wanted to offer deals and discounts that were going to appeal the employees of ArcGate.  We reached out to local merchants to offer special deals for ArcGate. Local deals are appreciated even more given the employees feel they are getting the best out of the city they live in. Hence, we decided to keep a mix of both local merchants and bigger brands in our mix of deals for ArcGate employees to make them feel special and offer an exclusivity which they can’t get anywhere else.

Offering an exclusive employee deal not only makes the employee feel valued, but it also makes the employee happy. And we know when they’re happy, we are happy. At the same time, we also want to provide a platform for the employees to use workmob as a channel to start a relationship, and not just offer a good price, but make the employee feel special, curate an experience and foster lifelong friendships with other coworkers at ArcGate!

September 22, 2020