Make Work Fun

Make Work Fun - Empowering people at workplaces around the world to express themselves, live in the moment, and have fun together.

Why Workmob?

Workmob first started out as an internal platform created by Arcgatians to share photos, videos, fun messages with coworkers and also to showcase their company culture they take immense pride in.

Strong companies are driven by teams that have enviable levels of camaraderie. Arcgate is one such company – and these strong bonds weren’t forged overnight. Instead, they stem from ongoing personal and professional interactions experienced by each employee of Arcgate over several month or years.

When we were a smaller company, everyone knew each other by first name. Birthdays were celebrated and people smiled at each other in corridors. Then as we got bigger, the sense of community got lost somewhere.

Let’s give you a glimpse of what Arcgatians have been posting on workmob!

Pics courtesy – Arcgate Network on Workmob

Eating lunch with coworkers

TIt’s easy to eat lunch at our desks as it seems to be our comfort zone and perhaps some of us would rather eat alone with no one to bother us. However, stepping into our office cafeteria to have lunch with our coworkers gives us the opportunity to relax and take a break from our work.

Team-building activities

More than just a simple lunch, team-building activities help us get to know each other in different situations. While they are all fun activities, they actually help us build trust with our coworkers, learn more about each other, and find more creative ways of collaborating.

A ‘Wall of Thanks

This is by far one of the easiest thank-you gestures you can do!

A ‘Wall of Thanks’ allows us to thank each other so everyone on the team can see what their colleagues love most about them and be motivated to give their best. Sometimes it’s hip to be old-fashioned.

Celebrating festivals

Festivals add a dash of fun and color. It gives us something to look forward to. Inviting families of our coworkers for a festival, dressing up to work to celebrate the occasion together helps us know each other better in more candid and casual ways.

Hold a contest

Amidst all the hard work we do, we also prefer a few stress-free days riddled with engaging activities and to achieve that we frequently run contests on Workmob. Be it a simple contest like dress up to work, or something which requires more discipline like Fitlife etc. we think of them all. Of course there are exciting prizes to be won and the best one wins! But it’s not about wining that we care so much about – we believe in participation.

Tell our company’s story

We love to tell how we started and we are sure every company does. After all, everyone loves a good story. You’d be surprised at how many of the employees don’t actually know how their company got started. We are glad we do!

Volunteer at a local organization or support causes that we believe in

There’s never a wrong time to give back to those who need it most. We like to come together to volunteer, to contribute, and to support causes that we strongly believe in. We set up donation boxes in the office and tell our teams to bring old toys, clothes, and other handy items and donate it to a charity to brighten up someone’s day and make a big impact on their lives. We light up candles to show solidarity and support causes like ‘Tolerate no violence against women’ etc.

We document the journey on Workmob to inspire others.

Sponsor a local event or adopt a park

We believe in sponsoring charity events or even a fair which we can bring our teams to. Not only does it help us have a good time, it also increases our brand awareness — and even better gives us an opportunity to give back to the society. We like to showcase it on Workmob so we can instill pride in our employees for working at a great company.

We wish you happy reading!

Give our team members regular gifts

And not just the fun kind - we get them something they will truly need for their wellness, like a free gym pass, movie pass, restaurant deals or a new headset they’ve always dreamed of.

Sometimes to figure out what gifts to give, we just ask around. There’s always someone in the team who knows what a colleague needs more than anything.

Upgrade the office

There’s no better way to thank our employees than ensuring their comfort. Our workspace makes for a home-away-from-home. We consistently upgrade our workspaces to ensure our workspace culture promotes wellbeing and encourages a healthy attitude to life.

Celebrating birthdays and work anniversaries

A birthday is everyone’s most important day, so why not make the most of it? We like to make it special and make our coworkers feel appreciated.

Whole team on board

Our teams have embraced the digitally-centered culture to stay connected by sharing fun, candid, profound moments that we live, breathe and create at work – moments from events held, lunches shared, themed Saturdays’, fun contests, birthday & work anniversary celebrations – the list is long. But so is the time spent at work and it plays a major part in our general happiness, and also life outcomes – hence, we believe in making it big by making it easy for team members and coworkers to connect with one another as often as they’d like and in ways they want to.

October 9, 2020