Remote Teams and Building Culture

The ongoing pandemic situation because of Covid-19 has gotten teams across the globe scrambling to make ends meet when it comes to delivering products and services. The norm of social distancing and self-isolation has unprecedently taken over our lives. During such a time, the need for work-from-home, remote teams, and building a culture around it is apparent.

All around the globe, teams are trying to accommodate this new culture shifting to a completely remote working environment. At Arcgate too, we swiftly moved to the remote decentralized way of working, given the developing conditions.

In this section of Workmob articles, we bring you fascinating industry-leading content on remote work and building a culture around it. We have handpicked five feature articles with an intriguing insight into the area and can help you manage, assess, and access remote teams with greater ease.

Published in the, 'Building A Great Culture With Remote Teams' will draw your attention to what a virtual work culture can accomplish for your company. It focuses on highly decentralized teams that can still maintain a healthy work culture with the example of Edoc Service, Inc. – a company with 100% virtual operation for the past 20 years.

The company's founder and CEO, Jim Mullaney, built it on a virtual structure form day one, and it now helps other organizations realize remote work culture with its business model. The article further emphasizes five pillars of virtual teams namely: purpose and principal, team environment, a forward-thinking leader, value-driven autonomy, and service partnership. The report elaborates on Jim's journey and other intricacies of a virtual team.

The current crisis pushes the teams to adopt remote work culture, but how do you make a remote team from the very onset? The next article, 'The Future of Work is Remote How You Can Build a Killer Remote Team', addresses just that.

It highlights how companies like Trello and Github are facilitating virtual offices globally, along with the benefits of doing so. Virtual teams are more flexible, cheaper, and faster to run. The piece mentions and explains the three tenets of creating remote teams namely: communication, trust, and work culture. It breaks down all three in detail, and you'll have insightful recommendations as well.

'The Essence of an Effective Remote Team' focuses on the remote working culture from a startups perspective. However, the findings in the article can also work with bigger organizations. It focuses on making recommendations for entrepreneurs so that they can create a more robust strategy for their companies.

The article highlights the importance of having an extensive communication strategy, using the right tools to manage the team, hiring the right talent, getting the processes right, and the attention to detail in team building.

The last article in the roost comes from and elaborates on the team's experience in 'What We’ve Learned Building a Remote Culture.' It lists down insightful findings in the behavior of remote employees and teams. You'll also find a graph that shows the concerns of remote employees as they might sometimes feel isolated from the rest of the team.

You'll find facts and details about the effective and efficient hiring of remote employees. It also has some recommendations on hiring highly motivated professionals, aspiring for work-life harmony, training for remote work, diversification of the workforce, and so on.

With this summary in mind, we hope that these recommendations will help you meaningfully invest in remote teams and build a better remote work culture. Happy reading!

October 5, 2020