Ace the watercooler chatter at work!

What’s the big deal about small talk?  Well, just one – it is where it all begins! It opens the door for bigger and more interesting conversations!

Cricket or football; are almost like two seasons of the year when ardent sports lovers rejoice and the employers frown. Well, not exactly. Let us rephrase that. With cricket or football season on all employers to a certain extent feel that productivity at work will be impacted. You know what we mean, right? All those talk about football around the water cooler and on chat messengers, makes the employers wonder: are the employees even doing any “real” work?

Honestly, what companies think is a downside has a very positive impact. Conversations around sports isn’t about employees wasting their time, but has been proved to be a great tradeoff for helping coworkers build a rapport, which has a positive payoff in the long run. Sports talk can act as an icebreaker. We have often heard – to have ourselves heard in a way where others want to hear and tap into a conversation, requires us to speak on a topic that holds people’s interest. And that is exactly, what sports talk does! Or say it is a good start to open a line of communication. Conversation around sports not only has a place at work, but the good side of it is that being able to talk about last night’s game or the amazing catch or touch down tends to be a great equalizer. There is no regard for organizational hierarchy when discussing a superb goal or a brilliant catch. It can help you be in the loop and be engaged in conversations around the workplace.

Now some of us would we wondering, all that talk around sports when I am not even so much into it? How does it help or benefit me? Trust us; you’re not off the hook. You don’t have to be a sports fan to participate in a sports conversation whatsoever. Neither do you to have to sit down to watch the entire game. Just a plotline or tidbits about a player’s personal life or any news about them can be good enough to get you in the “sports circuit” at work. Taking note of these few sports tidbits, will allow you to still participate in the conversations, which may help you relate with your sports-loving boss or coworkers. And better relationship and understanding leads to better working. It can’t hurt to give it a try!

Outside of sports, other conversation topics such as travel, local events, weather (now that’s an easy one and always works!), can also lead to connecting and getting to know your coworkers! Talent, skills, discipline and hard work are important to grow your career, but the ability to communicate and connect with others plays a significant role in your success.

September 26, 2020